
Is stock trading profitable?

"Is stock trading profitable for me? How do I start learning stocks?" I once got that question from a fellow trader who wanted to start jumping into the world of stocks.

I'm sure many of you who want to start plunging in the world of shares, also ask the same thing. Especially if you see the stock market is down, bearish, this might shake your desire to trade shares.

If you ask me: Is stock trading profitable? So I answered: Yes, because based on trading practices that I have run for years, stocks can provide profit for me personally.

But if you want to know if stock trading is profitable for yourself, then you have to PRACTICE buy and sell shares. You have to live it. You must learn self-taught shares. Also read: Steps for Learning Self-taught Stocks. This is the same if you have to answer questions like:

Is working as an accountant profitable for you?

Is being an athlete profitable for you?

Is being an architect suitable for you?

Will being a graphic designer provide career paths and better income for your life?

To answer these questions, only you know. If you want to know if being an accountant is profitable for you, then you must pursue that world.

If you want to know if you are suitable to be an architect, yes you have to dive in the world of architects. In essence, you have to practice.

"But Mr. Heze, it's not possible for me to pursue a lot of fields at the same time. Focusing on just one field is not necessarily suitable, how do you want to try it all?" Your protest.

Well, here's an important point that I want to emphasize. We return to the question of whether trading stocks is profitable?

Before you decide to jump into the world of shares, you must have a PASSION, STRONG DESIRE, A determination to LEARN SHARE.

Just like when you are given a choice which is profitable between being an accountant, architect, graphic designer ... So you have to ask yourself: From those fields, which field are you most passionate about, what is your passion for continuing to study it?

From there you can choose an area for your field, develop it, so you can make a profit from what you pursue and enjoy.

This is the same as stock trading. If you have no strong desire to learn stocks, you have no desire to learn self-taught stocks, you are lazy to analyze, you want to look for premium stock groups, then I suggest: Subtract your intention first to start trading stocks.

Without passion, desire, independent practice and determination to learn shares, do not expect you can get profit from stocks.

Conversely, if you already have these points, then you can start to plunge in the world of stock trading. Then you who are critical ask again:

"What about me who has been trading for a few years, but still isn't profitable, Mr. Heze? In fact, there are a lot of minus stocks because I started trading stocks when the stock market is bearish?" Your words.

Yep, because I run the world of trading, so I must admit that having the determination, passion, a strong desire to learn stocks .. That alone is still not enough to make you profitable in trading.

Another important thing that you must have in stock trading is KNOWLEDGE. That is, you must be able to analyze stocks, both in terms of technical analysis (reading and analyzing charts), fundamental analysis (company analysis) and market analysis.

Learn also: Learn Full Stock Trading Practices and Learn Stock Analysis Fundamental.

If you want to become proficient and make a profit in a particular field, you must understand the knowledge. If you want to make a profit in stock, then understand the knowledge. You should be able to analyze stocks, look for good stocks independently (self-taught).

Making a profit in stocks doesn't have to be done by trading all the time. There are times you trade, there are times you have to wait and see, there are times you have to stop trading for a moment. This knowledge you must learn in the world of trading.

This post leads to a conclusion, that to answer the question whether trading stocks is profitable for you, then first check whether you have a passion in shares, willingness to learn shares, want to analyze shares (do not trade stocks because of the bandwagon.

If you have passion, start trading stocks. But if you don't have passion, chances are that the stock isn't right for you.

Once you have these points, complete with the knowledge and analysis to choose good stocks, and so you have the art of trading in dealing with the market.

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